Colt Automatic Pistol and Revolver Information - 25 years of Service to Colt Firearms Collectors




Colt Automatic Pistols & Revolvers Wanted by Collector

I am a licensed collector interested in purchasing high quality pre-WWII Colt Automatic Pistols and Revolvers and their accessories. I pay competitive prices for quality Colt handguns.  I tend to be more lenient concerning condition only with rare factory custom variations, otherwise, Condition is Everything!

Please send description(s) (with digital photos if possible) and price(s) to or call me at 703-281-6628.  All dealings are kept strictly confidential.

Colt .38 ACP Pistols Wanted
Models of 1900, 1902 Sporting & 1902 Military, 1903 Pocket Hammer
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Colt 1900 in original Sight Safety or Sight Safety Altered configurations Colt 1902 Sporting Colt 1902 Military Colt 1903 Pocket Hammer

Colt 1905, 1907, 1909, 1910 Pistols Wanted
(.45 Commercial, Military Trials, Prototypes)

1905.jpg (20547 bytes)

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Colt 1905 (Standard Variations & Cut for Optional Leather Holster/Shoulder Stock.) Colt 1907 Military Trials Colt 1909 Colt 1910

Colt 1911/1911A1 & Government Model Pistols Wanted
(.45, .38 Super and .22 Caliber variations)

1911_145555b_400.jpg (26252 bytes) 1911a1_721200e.jpg (35532 bytes) 1911a1_Super38_box.gif (77801 bytes) 1911a1ace_794a.jpg (44630 bytes)
Colt 1911 Military (Army, Navy & USMC Contracts) & Government Model Commercial Variations Colt 1911A1 Military & Government Model (National Match, Commercial Variations) and factory cases Colt Super .38 & Super Match  Colt Service Model Ace .22 LR Colt Ace .22 LR

Colt Conversion Units Wanted
.22 - .45 and .45 - .22)

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Pre-WWII Colt .22 LR Conversion Units (with "U" prefix number on top of the slide in front of the rear sight.)

Pre-WWII Colt .45 ACP Conversion Units

Colt Pocket Hammerless Models Wanted
1908 Vest Pocket .25 ACP, 1903 .32 ACP & 1908 .380 ACP)

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Colt 1908 Vest Pocket .25 ACP (Model N)

Colt Factory engraved and/or factory inscribed variations

Colt Special factory finishes (gold or silver plating)

Colt pistols with unusual serial numbers

Colt Pre/post-war variations

1903ph_85068a.jpg (30379 bytes) 1908ph_95644a.jpg (31856 bytes) modelm_military.gif (75751 bytes)
Colt 1903 Pocket Hammerless .32 ACP (Model M) Colt 1908 Pocket Hammerless .380 ACP (Model M) Colt General Officer Pistols and U.S. Military variations Foreign Police or Military Contracts
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Colt Pilice Marked guns (B.P.D., Detroit P.D., M.P.C., P.D.N.Y., W.P.D., M.P.D., etc,) Colt Factory cutaway Model M and Model N pistols Colt Lanyard loop/belt hook variations Colt special grip types (monogrammed mother of pearlivory, deluxe walnut, stag)
1903ph_504005c.jpg (55177 bytes) 1903ph_85068j.jpg (21155 bytes) 1911_handbill.jpg (62081 bytes)
Colt 1903 and 1908 factory presentation cases Original Colt shipping boxes Colt Catalog, instruction sheets, hang tags, advertising, blue prints Colt Factory advertising
  Colt original tools & factory gauges Original Colt parts (in excellent condition!)


If you are looking for a specific Colt variation, part or accessory for your collection, please click here to complete the Collector Wants Form.

Please send description(s) and price(s) to or call me at 703-281-6628.  All dealings are kept strictly confidential. 


Gun of the Month

January 2022

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