Colt Automatic Pistol and Revolver Information - 25 years of Service to Colt Firearms Collectors




The John R. Hegeman Collection of Special Colt Firearms

J.R. Hegeman, Jr. Pach Bros., N.Y. / Pach Bros.
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Washington, D.C. 20540 USA

Editor's Note: Presented below is information from an original 1940 copy of the Kimball Arms Company catalog in which the J.R. Hegeman Colt Collection was offered for sale.  Hegeman was truly a pioneer in Colt collecting and presumably had some fantastic connections within the Colt company that afforded him an opportunity to own many pre-production prototype and serial number one guns.  You will notice that some of the serial number one guns were never produced in this range and were specially constructed for Hegeman.

Many of Hegeman's Colt's have ended up in some of the finest gun collections. Presented below are just the Colt Automatic Pistols listed in the catalog.  All you need is a total of $797.50 for these 18 guns and a time capsule to take you back to 1940 and you could have one of the most important and valuable collections of Colt Automatic pistols in the world!


Kimball Arms Catalog

Dear Sir:

In this eighth edition we take great satisfaction in listing one of the outstanding Colt collections in this country, the Hegeman Collection. Mr. Hegeman, a vice president of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, of New York, was very active between 1885 and 1925, and was interested in Colt arms only.

There are twenty Paterson arms and Many rarities seldom found in any collection, including models and number one pieces, many, in factory new condition, the collection being comprised of three hundred and fifty pieces. These Hegeman pieces are listed with an "H" before the catalog number. Photographs are available to seriously-minded collectors.

Yours very truly,



Numbers the same on all parts unless otherwise stated

H216. Model 1900 38 cal. rimless automatic, Patent 1897, with 6" barrel, rounded hammer, walnut paneled grips. No safety. This is #2, and in "Nearly factory new" condition.
Selling price, $35.00.

H217. Model 1902 38 cal. rimless automatic, Patent 1897, with 9" barrel extending 3 1/8" beyond housing. Blue finish. Hard rubber grips having a brown cast. No safety. This is a factory model with no numbers. In "New" condition. Very rare.
Selling price, $75.00.

H218. U.S. Navy Model 38 automatic with 6" barrel, eight shots. High hammer. No safety, Wood panelled grips. Only 200, were made for the Navy, numbered from 1 to 200. This one is #10, marked "U.S.N." Condition "Fine." A rarity.
Selling price, $45.00.

H219. Special Model 97, 38 automatic made for the British Government in 1899. Experimental safety with model rear sight. 6" barrel, 7 shots, wood panel grips. British proof marks. This is #1876. "About new" condition.
Selling price, $35.00.

H220. U.S. Army Model 38 automatic. 6" barrel, low round hammer, slide lock. Heavy matting on both sides of frame. 9 shots. Black rubber grips. Lanyard ring on left side. #15068. Condition "Very fine."
Selling price, $30.00.

H221. Regular Model 1897 sporting model [sic. 1902 Sporting] 38 automatic, 6" barrel, hard rubber grips, low round hammers. #4907. Condition "Very good."
Selling price, $25.00.

Colt Model 1902 Military serial number 35832, master engraved by William H. Gough, recessed medallion checkered mother of pearl stocks, factory inscribed to General Victoriano Huerta (Private Collection)

H222. Model 97 Military [sic. Model 1902 Military] 38 automatic with complete and very finest full engraving with checkered pearl grips made on a special order for General Huerta of Mexico, and whose name, "General Victoriano Huerta," is engraved on the barrel. 8 shot magazine. Lanyard swivel. Ordered by the general in l9l3, but never delivered as he was obliged to leave border, before special messenger reached him to deliver the pistol. Huerta was dictator of Mexico, after the murder of President Madero. Pistol in "Factory new" condition.
Selling price, $125.00.

General Aureliano Blanquet (1848 - 1918), the General to whom the factory engraved Model 1902 Military described in item H222A is inscribed. 
Photo courtesy of the Blanquet family.

H222A. The exact mate to the pistol described as H222, but this one inscribed to General Aureliano Blanquet of Mexico (see photo above), Huerta's second in command in the Mexican Army. Fully engraved, an exact duplicate of the Huerta pistol.
Selling price, $100.00.
We offer the pair, at $200.00.

H223. Model 1902 [sic. 1903] 38 cal. automatic with hammer. 4 1/2" barrel. No safety. This pistol is the factory No. 1, the first one made, and is in "New" condition.
Selling price, $45.00.

H224. 38 [sic. .380 ACP] Pocket Model 1903 Colt automatic, 4" barrel, with safety, blue finish, rubber grips, barrel held in place by bushing like military model. This pistol is No. 1, the first one turned out. Condition as "New."
Selling price, $45.00.

H225. 32 cal. Pocket Model 1903 Colt automatic with 3 3/4" barrel with safety, Blued finish, rubber grips, barrel bushed at muzzle like military model. #100039. In good used order.
Selling price $17.50.

H226 First Model 22 L.R. Woodsman. This is No. 5, in "Factory new" condition.
Selling price, $25.00.

H227. Model 1905. 45 cal. Military automatic with round hammer. No safety, but with slide lock. This is factory No. 1, the first one turned out, and in "Factory new" condition.
Selling price, $55.00.

H228. Experimental Model 1905 Military 45 cal. automatic without grip safety, but having a circular thumb operated safety on left side. This one is No. 14, and in "Factory new" condition.
Selling price, $50.00.

H229. Model 1911 Army 45 cal. automatic with the grip safety marked, "Government Model," on right side of slide. This is the first one completed at factory, and marked "C 1." In "Factory new" condition,
Selling price, $55.00.

H230 Model 1911 U. S. Army regular Government Model 45 cal. #6407, in "Factory new" condition.
Selling price, $30.00.

H231. Model 1911 U. S. Army Government Model 45 automatic made under Colt Patents at the Springfield Armory, marked, "Springfield Armory U. S. A." on left slide. #119351. In "Factory new" condition.
Selling price, $35.00.

H232. Model 1911 U. S. Army Government Model 45 automatic Made under Colt Patents at the Remington Arms Co, Left slide reads, "Manufactured by Remington Arms U. M. C. Co. Inc., Bridgeport, Conn. U. S. A." This gun #9250, in "Factory new" condition.
Selling price, $30.00.

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January 2022

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