Colt Automatic Pistol and Revolver Information - 25 years of Service to Colt Firearms Collectors


Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless .32 ACP & Model 1908 Pocket Hammerless .380 ACP - Factory Special Order Grips

Colt Model 1908 Pocket Hammerless (Model M) .380 ACP Serial number 81700 - Factory letter indicates that this pistol was shipped May 21, 1925 with nickel finish and factory ivory grips as a single gun shipment. It was sold to the Sweet Burnett Drug Company and shipped to Wyeth Hardware & Manufacturing Company, St. Joseph, Missouri. The gun was processed on Colt Factory Order number 9960/1.   Box is numbered to the gun and bears the small "Ivory" label to the left of the "Hammerless" end label.

Right side of Colt 1908 Pocket Hammerless .380 ACP serial number 81700.

Model M .32 Serial Number 504005 - blued finish, factory medallion mother of pearl grips with "- C.F.R -" enameled monogram on the right grip.  Pistol is accompanied by a blue lined Colt presentation case.

Shipped August 15, 1930, Charged to Molding Division Selling Expense, Shipped to B. Conner, address unavailable, single gun shipment.  Colt Factory Order Number #18693/1

1903 Pocket Hammerless .32 ACP serial number 504005 - enameled monogram "- C.F.R -" on the right grip.


1903 Pocket Hammerless .32 ACP serial number 504005 in original blue lined factory presentation case.

Colt Model M .32/.380 Factory carved mother of pearl grips in steer head pattern

Factory carved mother of pearl grip in the steer head pattern.

Colt Model 1908 .380 ACP serial number 12501 - fitted with early style factory recessed medallion deluxe checkered walnut grips.  These grips are believe to pre-date the later recessed medallion deluxe checkered walnut grips with scalloped uncheckered border.  This pistol was shipped on November 1, 1912 in a five gun shipment to Von Lengerke & Antoine, Chicago, IL.  Finish is listed as blue, stocks not listed.

 Factory nickel plated Model M .380 with factory Deluxe checkered walnut grips.  Shipped August 1, 1927 to Whitney Sporting Goods Co., Denver, CO.

Blued Model M .32 with factory Deluxe checkered walnut grips with gold recessed medallions.

Model M Deluxe Checkered Walnut Grips with Recessed Medallions

Model M Deluxe Checkered Walnut Grips - These grips are easily recognized by the uncheckered scalloped border around the edge of the grip.  They were a factory special order feature available from 1913 to 1923.

Model M Factory Ivory Grip with Recessed Medallion

Model M Factory Ivory grips with recessed medallions.

Model M with flush medallin ivory grips.

Factory engraved Model M with flush medallion ivory grips.

Gun of the Month

January 2022

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