Colt Automatic Pistol and Revolver Information - 25 years of Service to Colt Firearms Collectors


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Production Dates


Colt Pre-Woodsman, Woodsman (Sport, Target & Match Target), Challenger, Huntsman and Targetsman Models .22 LR - Production Dates

FIRST SERIES: Pre-Woodsman, Woodsman Target & Sport

Year Serial Number Quantity Year Serial Number Quantity
1915 1 - 849 849 1930 71300 - 77899 6599
1916 850 - 3999 3149 1931 77900 - 84399 6499
1917 4000 - 6399 2399 1932 84400 - 86299 1899
1918 6400 - 6999 599 1933* 86300 - 89199 2899
1919 7000 - 20199 13199 1934 89200 - 94499 5299
1920 20200 - 24999 4799 1935 94500 - 99199 4699
1921 25000 - 27199 2199 1936 99200 - 109099 9899
1922 27200 - 33499 6299 1937 109100 - 121299 12199
1923 33500 - 38699 5199 1938 121300 - 130999 9699
1924 38700 - 42999 4299 1939 131000 - 137599 6599
1925 43000 - 46649 3649 1940 137600 - 144399 6799
1926 46650 - 51699 5049 1941 144400 - 151799 7399
1927 51700 - 55799 4099 1942** 151800 - 157037 5237
1928 55800 - 63149 7349 1946 - 1947 157038 - 159024
180000 - 187423
1929 63150 - 71299 8149      
* Woodsman Sport with 4 1/2" barrel introduced in 86000 sn range.
** Some guns in this range were shipped post-WWII.

FIRST SERIES: Woodsman Bullseye Match Target

1938 MT1 - MT2999 2999 1942 MT13500 - MT13999 499
1939 MT3000 - MT6999 3999 1943 MT14000 - MT15099 1099
1940 MT7000 - MT9999 2999 1944 MT15100 - MT16611 1511
1941 MT10000 - MT13499 3499      

SECOND SERIES: Woodsman Target, Sport and Match Target

Year Serial Number Quantity Year Serial Number Quantity
1947 1-S - 249-S 249 1952 100100-S - 123699-S 23599
1948 250-S - 35749-S 35499 1953 123700-S - 137649-S 13949
1949 35750-S - 68899-S 33149 1954 137650-S - 142599-S 4949
1950 68900-S - 86199-S 17299 1955 142600-S - 146136-S 3536
1951 86200-S - 100099-S 13899 1956 146137-S  


Year Serial Number Quantity Year Serial Number Quantity
1950 1-C - 20399-C 20399 1954 72850-C - 75399-C 2549
1951 20400-C - 40599-C 20199 1955 75400-C - 77142-C 1742
1952 40600-C - 63699-C 23099 1956 77143-C  
1953 63700-C - 72849-C 9149      

THIRD SERIES: Target, Sport and Match Target

Year Serial Number Quantity Year Serial Number Quantity
1955 160000-S - 161599-S 1599 1963 200600-S - 204499-S 3899
1956 161600-S - 172199-S 10599 1964 204500-S - 208299-S 3799
1957 172200-S - 182499-S 10299 1965 208300-S - 214999-S 6699
1958 182500-S - 185199-S 2699 1966 215000-S - 222349-S 7349
1959 185200-S - 189249-S 4049 1967 222350-S - 231249-S 8899
1960 189250-S - 193299-S 4049 1968 231250-S - 241810-S 10560
1961 193300-S - 196899-S 3599 1969 241811-S  
1962 196900-S - 200599-S 3699      

THIRD SERIES: Huntsman and Challenger

Year Serial Number Quantity Year Serial Number Quantity
1955* 90001-C - 96099-C 6098 1963 154600-C - 158799-C 4199
1956 96100-C - 112899-C 16799 1964 158800-C - 162399-C 3599
1957 112900-C - 124699-C 11799 1965 162400-C - 168199-C 5799
1958** 124700-C - 129899-C 5199 1966 168200-C - 175199-C 6999
1959 129900-C - 141099-C 11199 1967 175200-C - 182199-C 6999
1960 141100-C - 146699-C 5599 1968 182200-C - 193499-C 11299
1961 146700-C - 151499-C 4799 1969 193500-C - 194039-C 539
1962 151500-C - 154599-C 3099 1970 194040-C  
* Huntsman introduced, ** Targetsman introduced

THIRD SERIES: Huntsman, Sport, Target, Targetsman and Match Target

Year Serial Number Quantity Year Serial Number Quantity
1969 00100S - 019899S 19799 1975 067000S - 090599S 23599
1970 019900S - 024049S 4149 1976 090600S  
1971 024050S - 030699S 6649 1976 S100000S*  
1972 030700S - 042099S 11399 1976 300001S - 312349S 12348
1973 042100S - 048999S 6899 1977 312350S - 317736S 5386
1974 049000S - 066999S 17999      
* "Double S" serial numbered examples are all Huntsman Models

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