Colt Automatic Pistol and Revolver Information - 25 years of Service to Colt Firearms Collectors


Colt Model 1908 Pocket Hammerless .380 ACP - Issued to Brigadier General Frank Lawrence Whittaker

Colt Model M .380 ACP serial number M137653 issued to Brigadier General Frank Lawrence Whittaker. Born in Manchester, New Hampshire, on May 14, 1893.  B.S. from Norwich University in 1915.  Commissioned in the cavalry in 1916.  Served on the Mexican Border 1916 - 1917.  Graduated from the Command and General Staff School in 1930 and the Army War College in 1936.  Assistant chief of staff for supply at Western Defense Command 1941 - 1943.  Brigadier general in February 1943.  Deputy commander of the Alaskan Department February 1943 - September 1944.  Reverted to colonel in September 1944 and retired in November 1946.  Decorations included two Legions of Merit.  Died on June 7, 1978.

Marker Photo Source: Photographed on Sept. 23, 2012, by Tom Brocher - Golden Gate National Cemetery, San Bruno
San Mateo County, California, USA

Gen. Philoon Deputy Commander in Alaska - Brig. Gen. Wallace C. Philoon has succeeded Brig. Gen. Frank L. Whittaker as deputy commander of the Alaskan Department, according to an announcement.  Gen, Philoon recently was a visitor in this city, leaving several weeks ago to assume his new command.  His wife is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Walter F. Martin, North Court street.  Gen Philoon is a former chief of staff of the Caribbean Defense Command and former commanding general in the Infantry Replacement Training Center at Fort McClellan, Ala. where he was stationed prior to his Alaskan assignment.

[Source: The News, Frederick, MD, 4-September-1944]

Accompanying General Whittaker's pistol is the original box (numbered to the gun), and spare magazines. Both original issue clips show almost no wear.  Pistol has an "M" prefix before the serial number, and the magazines are also "M" marked. The numbered box (also numbered 137964 but this number is scratched out) is most likely the one used to return the gun following the modifications at Colt's indicated by the presence of the "M" marking.


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