Colt Automatic Pistol and Revolver Information - 25 years of Service to Colt Firearms Collectors


Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless .32 ACP sn 568467 - Issued to Brigadier General Irving R. Obenchain, USA

R. DiFlorio Collection

Colt Model M .32 ACP serial number 568467 - Military Model M .32 ACP pistol, arsenal refinished finish, parkerized trigger, thumb safety and grip safety, with U.S. PROPERTY mark on right side of frame and ordnance wheel on left rear of frame behind thumb safety.  Pistol is documented as having been issued to Brigadier General Irving R. Obenchain and is pictured with its canvas foil lined Vietnam era bag numbered to the gun.

Brigadier General Irving R. Obenchain was an Honor graduate from West Point with the class of 1942.

Colt 1903 Pocket hammerless .32 ACP - serial number 568467 right side showing U.S. PROPERTY mark on frame.




Gen Irving Rock "Jim" Obenchain, Jr
May 23, 1921 - Aug. 8, 2010

Brigadier General Irving R. Obenchain was born in Birmingham, Alabama. He was a 1942 Honor Graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point, New York. His military schooling includes the Signal School at Fort Monmouth, N.J., the Command and General Staff College, and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces (1958). He earned his master's degree in electrical engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1951. General Obenchain is listed in Who's Who in America. He had been an amateur radio operator (W2SMA) since 1942, and held a patent for design of a Digital Telephone Switching System. He had served in the U.S. Army during World War II, as commander of the 295th Joint Assault Signal company (JASCO), (15 June 1943 - 6 February 1945) then to the Army's Test and Evaluation Command as Director of Electronic Testing, at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. He was then assigned to the General Staff, US Army as Chief of Operations Division G-4 (Logistics) Section, 8th Army, Korea, then assigned to the Signal Agency of White Sands Proving Ground (1959) and the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Washington DC. Then as Chief of Technical Staff, U S Army Signal Research and Development Laboratory, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. He then went to GHQ, Southwest Pacific Area eventually rising to the rank of Brigadier General. He served in three wars, World War II, Korea and Vietnam. He was awarded The Legion of Merit and Distinguished Service Medal. He retired from U.S. Army in 1972. After retirement from the Army, he worked for Technology Service Corp, and TRW until 1987.


23 May 1921   Born, Birmingham, Alabama

Honor Graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point, New York

Legion of Merit

Bronze Star Medal

Distinguished Service Medal
1968   Engineering Division, North Atlantic
1972   Retired from the Army
8 August 2010   Died, Fairfax, Virginia

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