Colt Automatic Pistol and Revolver Information - 25 years of Service to Colt Firearms Collectors


Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless .32 ACP - Issued to Major General Oliver Clark Harvey, USA

Colt Model M .32 ACP serial number 566926 - Military Model M .32 ACP pistol, issued in 1958 in large 1911 style kraft box, parkerized finish, with U.S. PROPERTY mark on right side of frame and ordnance mark behind the thumb safety on the left side of the frame.  Pistol is documented as having been issued to Major General Oliver C. Harvey and is pictured with the original box numbered to the gun.

Original signed Certificate Inducting Oliver C. Harvey into General Patton's Desert Rats -  "Ye Ancient Flea Bitten and Honorable Order of Desert Rats Certifies that Oliver Harvey having served and appropriate apprenticeship in the Great American Desert enjoyed highballs sucked from the barrel cactus, cholla plucked form the seat of his pants, the pleasures of parched lips, consuming thirst, the desiccating atmosphere, the perfume of greasewood fires, the grating of sand in his rations, the arctic chill of desert nights and the eternal dirt, dust, grime and sweat of scorching days, has been duly initiated and is declared hereby, to be a DESERT RAT, FIRST CLASS signed G.S. Patton, Jr., Chief Rodent, Dated 21 August 1945."

Major General Oliver C. Harvey's medals (Note: at center is Major General Harvey's Distinguished Service Medal he earned as a Colonel in 1944 -- see citation below.)

(Then Colonel) Oliver C. Harvey's citation for his Distinguished Service Medal (pictured at center in photo of medals above)

Some additional medals awarded to MG Oliver C. Harvey.

Original Box for Major General Oliver C. Harvey's Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless .32 ACP serial number 566926

Much accompanied this set, including original wrapped accessories with IBM style punch card inventory tags for cleaning brush (1005-716-2132), cleaning rod (1005-556-4102) and two magazines (1005-317-2482).

Letter from Rock Island Arsenal which documents the issue of Colt Model 1903 .32 ACP serial number 566926 to then Brigadier General Oliver C. Harvey.

Copy of the database entry screen from Rock Island Arsenal documenting issue of "1 ea Pistol Auto Colt Cal.. .32" to Brigadier General Olicer C. Harvey on November 5, 1958.  Pistol was shipped on November 5, 1958 to the Atlanta Gen Depot, Forrest Park, Georgia.


Standard Dray Ticket for transport and delivery of BG Harvey's Colt 1903 .32 ACP General Officer pistol.

Original outer shipping box from the Quartermaster Activities department, Cameron Station, U.S. Army, Alexandria, Virginia, containing Brigadier General Harvey's General Officer's black belt, gold buckle, black 1911 holster and black 1903 Colt .32 ACP holster.

Major General Oliver C. Harvey's Defense Supply Agency Flag - 15 June 1961 - 31 July 1966

Major General Oliver C. Harvey O-38776

Born, 17 July 1909   Born - Arkansas

E-Armed Forces Staff College Grad Industrial College of the Armed Forces 1949 Command & General Staff School 5 Gold Star C1 41 2nd Lieutenant Infantry Reserve 1 April 33 to Brigadier General Army of the United States 6 October 1958, Regular Army, Captain Quartermaster Corps 5 September 1946 Date of Rank 17 July 1944 to Colonel 17 Dec 1958.


Distinguished Service Medal

Legion of Merit

Bronze Star Medal
    Commendation Ribbon with Oak Leaf Cluster
14 September 1971   Died, buried Little Rock National Cemetery
December 1982   Obituary
12 August 1994 Hall of Fame Inductee


Is posthumously inducted into the Defense Personnel Support Center (DPSC) Hall of Fame this twelfth day of August 1994 for his extraordinary leadership and support as Commander of the Military Clothing and Textile Supply Agency, the Defense Clothing and Textile Supply Center, and then the Defense Personnel Support Center, from 1962 to 1966. General Harvey oversaw the complex consolidation of the Defense Medical Supply Center in Brooklyn, N.Y., and the Defense Subsistence Supply Center in Chicago, Ill., with the Defense Clothing and Textile Supply Center in Philadelphia., Pa., to form what became DPSC. This significant accomplishment created one central organization which provided the food, clothing and medical supplies to America’s fighting forces worldwide.

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