Colt Automatic Pistol and Revolver Information - 25 years of Service to Colt Firearms Collectors


Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless .32 ACP - Issued to Brigadier General Kermit Read Hansen, USA

Colt Model M .32 ACP serial number 560567 - Military Model M .32 ACP pistol, originally a blued gun but arsenal refinished in parkerized finish, with U.S. PROPERTY mark on right side of frame and ordnance mark punch dot on left front trigger guard bow.  Pistol is documented as having been issued to Brig. Gen. Kermit R. Hansen and is pictured with its original holster.

Serial number close-up.  Also visible above the VP verified proof mark is the "punch dot" ordnance mark.

Colt Model M .32 ACP serial number 560567 - right side

U.S. PROPERTY mark on right side of frame above the trigger.

Rock Island Arsenal Historical Letter for Colt Model 1903 .32 ACP serial number 560567.

Copy of original index card from Rock Island Arsenal documenting issue of "Pistol, Cal.. .32, Colt Serial Number 560567" to Brigadier General Kermit R. Hansen.  Pistol was shipped on 29 July 1967 to BG Kermit R. Hansen, H/H Co. 89th Division, 3130 George Washington Blvd., Wichita, Kansas.  The Certificate of Ownership was sent on 4 August  1967.


26 Feb 1917   Born, Omaha, Nebraska
5 May 1939   2nd Lieutenant of Infantry, Omaha, Nebraska
19 August 1941   Active Duty, Omaha, Nebraska
1 September 1941   Training, Lake Charles, Louisiana
1 October 1941   Anti-tank Company, 168th Infantry, Camp Claiborne
1 January 1942   Training, Fort Dix, New Jersey
19 February 1942   1st Lieutenant, Board USS Neville (Transport) 16 ship convoy plus 10 destroyers
2 March 1942   Company location, Portstewant, Belfast, Ireland
1 April 1942   British Jr. Officers School
14 August 1942   Captain
1 November 1942 North African Campaign, 29th Infantry Division, Algeria

"While at Tidworth the European Theater of Operations created a provisional unit within the 29th Division, the 29th Ranger Battalion. The Army's lone ranger battalion recently demonstrated its worth in North Africa and planners in London wanted a similar elite group in England to prepare for the invasion of Europe. The picked men learned specialized assault tactics by training with British Commandos and detachments accompanied their instructors on three hit-and-run raids in Norway and in the English Channel. The 29th Rangers also performed well in allied pre-invasion exercises in England. A policy decision by the War Department awarded the ranger mission to others, forcing London to disband the battalion in October 1943. Fortunately for the Blue and Gray, the men returned to their former units and passed on their skills."


1 January 1943   Aide de Camp to General John Wilson O'Daniel, 5th Army Training
14 March 1943   Major
1 October 1943 34th Infantry Division, Sicily, Salerno, Anzio

"Upon mobilization on February 10, 1941, the 34th Division went into intensive training at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the 34th Division was chosen to be one of the first divisions sent overseas. From Louisiana, the Division was sent to Fort Dix, New Jersey, and then to Ireland for additional training. In November of 1942, the 34th took part in "Operation Torch," the Allied landing on German occupied North Africa. The Division was involved in numerous battles, such as Kasserine Pass, Fondouk Pass, Faid Pass, as well as Allied landings at Algiers and Tunis. By the time the Germans surrendered at Tunis in May of 1943, many brave men of the 34th had given their lives for their country. In Italy, the men of the 34th, also known as the Red Bull Division, were involved in the battles of Naples, Anzio, Cassino, Rome-Arno, North Apennines, and the Po Valley, where the U. S. 34th Division captured the German 34th Division to end the war in Italy.

During the course of World War II, the 34th Division amassed 517 days of combat. One or more 34th Division units, including the 168th Regiment, were engaged in actual combat for 611 days. The Division was credited with more combat days than any other division in the European theater. The 34th Division suffered 21,362 battle casualties, including 3,737 killed and 3,460 missing. The men of the Division were honored with countless awards and decorations, including 10 Medals of Honor and 15,000 Purple Hearts."


1 August 1944   S-3, Operations & Planning Officer of armored task force, Southern France; Grenoble, France; Montelimar, France
10 August 1944 Bronze Star
29 August 1944 Silver Star Silver Star
1 September 1944


Battalion Commander: 7th Army, 36th Division, 141 Regiment, 3rd Battalion


"The leading battalion, the 2nd of the 141st, under Lt. Col. James Critchfield, moved downstream on the near side of the river to a point opposite the town of Eloyes which it was to attack as a feint. The next battalion in column, the 1st, under Lt. Col. Victor E. Sinclair, deployed and moved toward the wooded banks of the river where it was to cross. The last battalion, the 3rd, under Major Kermit Hansen, got separated from the others and reached the river about a mile and a half upstream from the ford. With movement through the rough terrain in pitchblack darkness extremely slow and daylight about to break, Major Hansen decided that he would have to cross where he was. He led a platoon of I Company, commanded by Captain Roy F. Sentilies, across the river by fording. As they reached the other side and started to fan out they were hit by the fire of eight heavy machine guns centered on the shallows where the crossing had been made. Captain Sentiles and several others were killed, the, remainder of the platoon were wounded and only four survived. Before he was taken, Major Hansen managed to send word by radio to Move the remainder of the battalion downstream to follow the 1st Battalion."


11 September 1944   Bronze Star Oak Leaf Clusters
21 September 1944   Captured by Germans, Vosage Mountains, France; orderly killed West of Colmar on Moselle River.
21 September 1944

Purple Heart, Remiremont, France
14 October 1944   POW: West of Bydgoszez, Oflag 64, Poland
17 October 1944   Lt. Colonel
21 January 1945   Began 43 day 350 mile march to Germany (click for link to details)
Train to Hammelburg, Oflag 13B, Germany
7 April 1945   7th Army frees prison camp
15 September 1945   Colonel
5 March 1946   Discharge from Active Duty
Active reservist
6 December 1966   Brigadier General, 89th Division
26 February 1977   Retired from Army
08 July 1999   Died

Kermit Read Hansen, American finance company executive. Decorated Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star with two oak leaf clusters, Purple Heart, Combat Infantry badge; recipient Safety award Nebraska B'nai B'rith, 1964, Silver Beaver award Boy Scouts American, 1965; named Man of Year Omaha Junior Chamber of C., 1948, Omaha Order Eagles, 1949.

Kermit Hansen died July 8, 1999. He was initiated as a University of Nebraska alumni member on November 21, 1993. He received the Nebraska Chapter Award of Merit in 1994. Mr. Hansen served on the University of Nebraska Board of Regents for 20 years; he was appointed in 1970 and then elected in 1972, 1978, and 1984. He spent most of his career in banking and was President and Chairman of U.S. National Bank of Omaha.




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