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Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless .32 ACP - Issued to General Ferdinand J. Chesarek, USA

Private Collection

Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless .32 ACP pistol serial number 567426 - Model M .32 pistol issued to General Ferdinand J. Chesarek, USA - In 1961, he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General and was presented his Colt 1903  .32 ACP caliber sidearm, serial number 567426 on March 23, 1961.

Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless .32 ACP pistol serial number 567426 - Right side, pictured with his dog tags and four star shoulder board.

Original black belt and holster for Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless .32 ACP pistol serial number 567426

Second Lieutenant F.J. Chesarek, USA, U.S. Military Academy Class of 1938


Brigadier General James A. Pickering (left) and Lieutenant Colonel Ferdinand J. Chesarek. Both BG Pickering and Lt. Col. Chesarek received the Award of Silver Star on 6 May 1945.

Lieutenant Colonel Ferdinand J. Chesarek, Germany, 1945.

Colonel Chesarek in Korea, 1954

Colonel Chesarek in Korea, August, 1954

Brig. Gen. Chesarek giving a speech at the 4th Logistical Command "Dining in Night" 20 February 1962.

USAPA 66 A-1347-2 (1 August 1966) - Lt. General F.J. Chesarek was sworn in as the Comptroller of the Army. Shown LtoR: Brig General L.H. Walker, administering the oath; Lt General Chesarek; General Creighton W. Abrams, Vice Chief of Staff and Mrs. F.J. Chesarek. Ceremony followed the promotion of Major General Chesarek to Lt General at the Pentagon, Washington, D.C.  Photo by: Wayne C. O'Neill, U.S. Army Photographic Agency, Washington, D.C.

General William Westmoreland presents General Ferdinand Chesarek with his second Distinguished Service Medal (note the oak leaf cluster on the ribbon.)

General Ferdinand J. Chesarek, USA
(February 18, 1914 - November 20, 1993)

Gen. F.J. Chesarek or Ches as he was known to friends and family was born on 18 Feb. 1914 in Calumet, MI.  He graduated from West Point in 1938. After assignments to the 9th Field Artillery Reg. at Ft. Lewis, WA and the 9th Field Artillery Reg. at Ft. Ord, CA and the 81st Field Artillery Bat. at Ft. Richardson, AK Ches went on to the Alaska Defense Command also at Ft Richardson, AK in 1941.  Several more assignments included S-3, 177th Field Artillery Reg. at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO, Student at Field Artillery School, Ft. Sill, OK and Executive Officer, 177th Field Artillery Group at Camp McCoy, WI.

Ches was later promoted to Commanding Officer, 28th Field Artillery Battalion, 8th Infantry Division, European Theater of Operations, Nov. 1943 to Nov. 1945. Commanding Officer, 5th Artillery Group, Korea, May 1954 to Jan. 1955. Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Communications Zone, Europe, Orleans, France, Aug. 1959 to July 1960. Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Verona, Italy, July 1960 to March 1961. Commanding General, 4th Logistical Command, Verdun, France, March 1961 to Aug. 1962. Comptroller of the Army, Aug. 1966 to Aug. 1967. Commanding General, U.S. Army Materiel Command, Pentagon, Washington D.C., March 1969 until his retirement in Nov. 1970.

His decorations and service medals include the Distinguished Service Medal w/OLC 1970, Silver Star 1944, Legion of Merit  1954, Bronze Star w/ V device & OLC 1944, Purple Heart 1944, Air Medal 1945, Army Com. Medal 1946, Am. Def. Service Medal w/ Bronze Star, American Campaign Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, EAME Medal w/4 Bronze Stars, WW II Victory Medal, Army of Occupation Medal-Germany, National Defense Service Medal, Korean Service Medal,  Croix de Guerre w/ Palm & Star, France 1946, Croix de Guerre, Luxembourg 1946, Order of the Ulchi w/ Silver Star Korea 1954, Order of the Republic, Officer, Italy 1961, Legion of Honor, Chevalier, France 1962, United Nations Service Medal Korea,  Order of Military Merit, Korea 1969, Order of the Cloud and Banner, China 1969. Ches died from complications of open heart surgery at the age of 79 on 20 Nov. 1993, Nashville, TN.

He is interred at Arlington National Cemetery.

Photo of General Chesarek's Dress Mess Blues uniform is taken in front of his original silk 48 star American flag.

General Chesarek's rank insignias.

General Chesarek's Medals

General Chesarek at his home office in Los Altos Hills, CA in the mid 1980s.

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