Colt Automatic Pistol and Revolver Information - 25 years of Service to Colt Firearms Collectors

COLT MODELS Gun of the Month - June 2021
Colt Model 1908 Pocket Hammerless .380 ACP
Factory Inscribed P.D.N.Y. No. 800

Colt Model 1908 Pocket Hammerless - .380 ACP serial number 17727 with factory roll mark "P.D.N.Y. No. 800" on right side of frame above grip. Pistol has original finish. Over 800 of these pistols were ordered by the New York City Police Department around 1915 for issue to detectives. This example is one of the last pistols shipped.  The Colt historical letter confirms that this Colt was shipped with blue finish with special feature noted: "P.D.N.Y. No. 800" is engraved on the right side of the frame.  It was shipped to the City of New York Police Department, New York, New York in a 40 gun shipment on April 11, 1914.

This pistol still retains its original small pony hard rubber stocks, which were the third type of the four variations of hard rubber stocks used on these pistols.

Prior to ordering these Colt pistols, the New York Police Department issued to its officers Colt New Police .32 revolvers that were factory engraved with the inscription "New York Police" on the back strap.

The man in the photograph who is not in uniform is Alfred P. Lane, Olympic shooter and gold medalist. Lane was hired by the New York City Police Department (NYPD) in 1914 to train police officers how to shoot with the new semi-auto Colt 1908 Pocket Hammerless .380 caliber pistols. Photo is dated March 16, 1914. Source: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).

Model M .380 serial number 15398 factory rollmarked "P.D.N.Y. No. 800" right side.

Gun of the Month

January 2022

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