Colt Automatic Pistol and Revolver Information - 25 years of Service to Colt Firearms Collectors




Remington Rand Model 1911A1 U.S. Army Early Type 2 (ca. 1943) - Serial Number 924001

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - Early Type 2 slide marking variation pistol (circa 1943).

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - Circa 1943 pistol with pictured with ENGER KRESS shoulder holster.

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - Circa 1943 pistol with pictured with ENGER KRESS shoulder holster.


Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - Circa 1943 pistol with pictured with ENGER KRESS shoulder holster.

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - Close-up of serial number.

Close-up of Remington Rand Type 2 slide markings.

Close-up of "FJA" inspector's mark.  FJA are the initials of Frank J. Atwood, inspector of ordnance.  The "P" proof mark is located near the magazine release and on top of the slide, in front of the rear sight.

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - right side profile.

Close-up of cross cannons ordnance mark (inverted) on the right rear of the frame, to the right of the hammer pin.

Close up of right side frame markings.  "UNITED STATES PROPERTY" over the serial number with "M1911A1 U.S. ARMY" to the right of the slide stop pin.

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - milled trigger.

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - close-up of thumb safety.

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - close-up of slide stop.

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - close-up of slide stop.

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - Early style checkered mainspring housing.

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - Early style checkered mainspring housing.

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - Early style checkered mainspring housing.

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - top of slide.

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - P proofmark on top of the slide, in front of the rear sight.

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - P proofmark on left side of frame next to magazine release.

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - close-up of rear sight.

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - close-up of front sight.


Front grip strap.

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - Early Keyes grips with no reinforcing rings around screws.

Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 924001 - muzzle.

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January 2022

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