Colt Automatic Pistol and Revolver Information - 25 years of Service to Colt Firearms Collectors


Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket Hammerless .25 ACP - Special Finishes,
Factory Gold Plated Pistols

Model N Factory Engraved and Gold Plated

Model N Gold Plated and Factory Engraved.  The factory letter indicates that it was shipped to Quinn & Company, Providence, RI on October 6, 1925 as a one gun shipment with the features "Grips: Pearl, Finish: Gold, Engraved: Yes."  The work was processed on factory order number 10227/1.  This is an unusual gun in that it is pictured in the Book of Colt Engraving as a factory engraved nickel plated gun with a pair of factory carved steer head mother-of-pearl grips.  Apparently a recent owner wanted to make the finish of the gun match the finish erroneously stated in the factory letter and had the gun gold plated.

Model N Gold Plated and Factory Engraved - Serial number 68443 sold and shipped to Wm. G. Rolston, May 20, 1912.  The gold finish on this pistol was restored by a previous owner.  This pistol has mother-of-pearl Colt grips that have been embellished with "W R" and the date 1912.    In addition, the grips have rather crude cuts along the edge of each grip, presumably to improve the shooters grip on the pistol. 

The grips are factory and while the monogram appears to be period work, it is not confirmed in the factory letter.  Additionally, the crude cuts along the edge of the grips are not characteristic of Colt factory work.

Colt 1908 Vest Pocket .25 ACP serial number 357140 - pistol is factory gold plated and has factory mother of pearl grips with gold plated flush medallions.  The gold plating was rather delicate and is very thin on this example as gold finish remains mostly in protected areas.

Factory letter confirms these features and indicates that this gun was sold to Hall Hardware Company (address unavailable) and was shipped to Shapleigh Hardware Company, St. Louis, Missouri on October 22, 1925.  It was processed on Colt Factory Order number 10516/1.

Colt 1908 Vest Pocket .25 ACP serial number 357140 - gold present inside the trigger area.

Colt 1908 Vest Pocket .25 ACP serial number 357140 - right side

Colt 1908 Vest Pocket .25 ACP serial number 357140 - gold plating on frame above grip safety.

Gun of the Month

January 2022

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